Let me make it clear more about buddy Zoning

If you blend in you’ll get friend zoned.

Tease her, play on inside jokes so the feelings of fun and attraction she felt for you when you first met are not only maintained but amped up, so your texts light up her eyes rather than dull her day with the burden of having to text you back with her, include her.

There’s no excuses for falling in to the friend area and also then you’re wrong if you think it’s impossible to answer some of her texts with anything other than a friend to friend response.

She asks you: “how’s your going” day. You may think really the only answer that is possible will give is “it’s going great, how’s yours”, but rather, here is the perfect possibility to tease her: “clearly it is going a lot better than yours!”. Because of this, she’ll probably reply by saying, “nah, mine’s way, means better you can move into a much more playful frame than yours” and from there. Continue reading