Dating ‘Rules’ get social media marketing reboot with guidelines for texting, tweets

by Eun Kyung Kim

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  • The 2 ladies behind “The Rules,” the Bible that is dating on to relax and play hard-to-get, have actually offered their 1995 guidebook a reboot to help single ladies get back control over love life lost to social media marketing.

    Texting and Twitter might not have existed as soon as the initial handbook came away, but “Not Your Mother’s Rules: The New tips for Dating” relays exactly the same message given that “the guidelines” did in those days: be mystical and you’ll have the guy.

    “It’s harder today, because two decades ago, there is simply the telephone. Maybe maybe Not also mobile phones,” said Sherrie Schneider, whom co-wrote the book with Ellen Fein. “Today, a man can text you, IM (immediate message) you, Skype you, G-chat. He is able to allow you to get in 10 technologies that are different. It’s harder to be mystical. It’s harder to be evasive you are because he can see everywhere. You post updates – you’re at Starbucks. You’re an open guide.”

    First off, the authors (nevertheless) discourage females from initiating the step that is first any discussion.

    “We had ladies who would inform us, ‘I adore your ‘Rules’ and I don’t contact guys, I don’t e-mail – but we compose them on Facebook,’ They thought by perhaps not calling, they might IM them and do anything else,” said Fein. “No, it does not work like this.”

    When a person does show interest, the guidelines say you want to show some discipline.

    Wait at the least four hours before giving an answer to a text message – and that’s only allowed if you’re in your 20s. Continue reading