How would informationstechnologie work? The prospect of anti-love biotechnology

And we have argued that no matter how we sanger this evidence, we should conclude that people whose lives are negatively impacted by love ought to beryllium offered hilfestellung and treatment opportunities analogous to those that we extend to substance abusers

Treatment of love addiction, like any other beschaffenheit of addiction, could take many forms. The fruchtwein plausible starting place would beryllium “traditional” therapies such as professional counselling, cognitive-behavioral techniques, psychoanalysis, or some combination of behauptung and other widely-used treatment modalities that work primarily on the psycho-behavioral schicht (weltmeer Earp, Sandberg, and Savulescu 2015). Tora the same time, considering the recent surge of research focusing on possible neurobiological sources of love addiction, informationstechnik may soon be possible to leitspruch adjunctive drug-based therapies that could facilitate treatment of problematic forms of love by working on underlying neurochemical substrates. Continue reading