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Mother-Infant Cosleeping: escort service Lansing Toward a medical Beginning, by James J. McKenna and Sarah Mosko. Ch. 16 in fast Infant passing problem: Puzzles, Troubles and opportunities. R. Byard and H. Krous, eds. London: Arnold Writers, 2001.

  • Cosleeping (Bedsharing) among newborns and young children, by M. Stein, C. Caloruso, J. McKenna and N. Wight. Pediatrics, April 2001.
  • In Safety of Maya’s Mama, by James J. McKenna. Latest Pediatrics, 16:7 (June) 116-117. 2000.
  • Rest Venue and Suffocation: How Good May Be The Facts? by James J. McKenna and Lawrence M. Gartner. Emails to your publisher in Pediatrics 105 (4):917-919. 2000.
  • Societal impacts on baby and youth rest Biology together with Science that researches they: Toward an even more comprehensive Paradigm, by James J. McKenna. Rest and sucking in: offspring and Pediatrics. J. Laughlin, C. Marcos and J. Carroll, eds. Marcel-Dekker Editors. 2000.
  • Breast-feeding and Mother-Infant Cosleeping concerning SIDS avoidance, by James McKenna, Sarah Mosko and Christopher Richard. Ch. 3 in Evolutionary Drug. W. Trevathan, E.O. Smith and J. McKenna, eds. Nyc: Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • Apnea and Periodic inhaling Bed-Sharing and Solitary Sleeping Infants, by Christopher Richard, Sarah Mosko and James J. McKenna. Record of practiced Psychology 84(4): 1374-1380. 1998.
  • Maternal Sleep and Arousals During Bedsharing with Infants, by Sarah Mosko, Christopher Richard and James McKenna. Rest 201(2): 142-150. 1997.
  • Infant Arousals During Mother-Infant Bed Sharing: Implications for Toddler Sleep and SIDS Studies, by Sarah Mosko, Christopher Richard, and James McKenna. Pediatrics 100 (2): 841-849. 1997.
  • Maternal Proximity and CO2 surroundings During Bedsharing and feasible effects for SIDS investigation, by S. Mosko, C. Richard, J. McKenna, S. Drummond and D. Mukai. American record of bodily Anthropology 103:315-328, 1997.
  • Frustrating situation:Cosleeping (Bedsharing) Among Infants and Toddlers, by James J. McKenna. Developmental and behavior Pediatrics, 18(6): 408-413. 1997.
  • The Potential benefits associated with Infant-Parent Co-Sleeping in Relation to SIDS protection, by James J. McKenna. In: SIDS in 90s. Torliey O. Rognum, Ed. Scandinavian Press, 1995.
  • Experimental scientific studies of Infant-Parent Co-Sleeping: common Physiological and Behavioral impacts in addition to their significance to SIDS, by J. McKenna, S. Mosko, C. Richard et al. Very Early Individual Developing 38:182-201. 1994.

  • Sleeping stimulation, Synchrony and flexibility among moms and babies Sleeping Aside and Together (exact same Bed): an Experiment in Evolutionary drug, by James J. McKenna and Sarah Mosko. Acta Pediatric, International Record of Pediatrics, Product 390. 1994.
  • Development and toddler rest: An Experimental Study of Infant-Parent Cosleeping and Its ramifications for SIDS. Acta Pediatrica: a worldwide record of Pediatrics, Vol. 2 product 389. 1993.
  • Parent-Infant Cosleeping: the right framework for learn of baby rest and ramifications for SIDS data, by Sarah Mosko and James McKenna et al. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 16(6): 589-610. 1993.
  • “Cosleeping” entryway during the Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreaming, by James J. McKenna. Encyclopedia of rest and thinking, ed. Mary A. Carskadon. Ny: MacMillan Posting Co, 1993.
  • Infant-Parent Co-sleeping in an Evolutionary viewpoint: Imperatives for recognizing Toddler Sleep Development and SIDS, by James J. McKenna et al. Rest 16(3): 263-282, 1993.
  • Sleep and Arousal models of Cosleeping person Mother-Infant sets: A Preliminary Physiological Study with Implications when it comes down to Study of SIDS, by James J. McKenna, Sarah Mosko, Claibourne Dungy and Jan McAninch. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology, 83:331-347. 1990.
  • Progression and also the Sudden baby dying disorder (SIDS) parts II: the reason why peoples newborns? by James J. McKenna and Sarah Mosko. Human Nature 1 (2). 1990.
  • Development therefore the fast toddler Death disorder (SIDS), component III: Parent-Infant Co-sleeping and Infant Arousal, by James J. McKenna and Sarah Mosko. Human Nature: 1(2). 1990.
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